Hermes luxury bag Brand is one that attracts women with money and class. In addition to the timeless design, it is suitable to be used as a complement to uotfit on various occasions.
As one of women’s favorite brands, it turns out that Hermes luxury bags cannot be bought carelessly, even though they have a lot of money or can afford it. Because there are special provisions to be able to take home the exclusive item.
In addition, luxury bags made by Hermes Birkin types do tend to be expensive, even anyone who manages to have it, is the same as buying a work of art.
Here’s a brief explanation of the reasons not just anyone with money can buy Hermes bags, including the cause of prices tend to be high until now.
According to the results of observations Hops.ID from the YouTube channel Shorts @NgomonginUang, reported on Thursday, November 28, 2024, there is a main reason, rich people and loyal consumers cannot freely buy Hermes bags.
Hermes bag prices are in the range of tens of millions to billions, very easily bought by people with money. But still can not go around like going into the store and buy at will.
Customers still have to meet certain requirements to buy 1 bag only, at least have to buy other items first Hermes output with a total of Rp 1 billion. If that condition has been achieved, you can choose your favorite bag.
“One of the requirements to buy Hermes bags is to have PDKT first. So we have to buy the orders first like clothes, blankets, watches, as well as other accessories up to Rp 1 billion”, said the narrator.
The narrator added that, the customer is still on the waiting list for 2 years. So the complexity of the requirements because they are really the totality of maintaining the image as a world luxury goods brand.
Uniquely, every loyal consumer still has a limit when buying a bag. According to the narrator’s explanation, each individual can only buy 1 pcs for a year.
Even the classy bag, made with the best materials and craftsmen. Just imagine that to make 1 side of the bag (birkin type) it takes at least 8 hours.
The maker must first be educated at a premium Leather Special School, always actively participating in training held by Hermes.
When one craftsman has already graduated, then it is allowed to start making bags. It’s not just about making it right away, then selling it. However, it still has to go through the evaluation stage first from senior craftsmen at Hermes.
“This is made by hand, even one side is only made for 8 to 12 hours, for this (Hermes bag), you have to go to a premium leather school,” said the narrator quoted from YouTube Shorts @ajeng_kamaratih on Thursday, November 28, 2024.
“Must be trained first at Hermes, manufacture in the first years must be assisted first by senior craftsmen at Hermes. That’s why if you buy a Hermes bag, buy a work of art not just a bag”, he explained.